8 minutes
Magnifying glass looking at line graphs in reports.

Additional Contributions

Looking to increase your WRS retirement? Learn how Additional Contributions can increase your WRS retirement benefit. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

11 minutes
Alarm clock, coins, plant, and picture of couple walking on the beach.

Beneficiary Designations

Learn what happens to your WRS account when you pass away, how to designate a beneficiary and the importance of keeping your account up to date.

10 minutes
Clock, coins, jar, small plant, couple walking on the beach.

How Divorce Affects Your WRS Retirement Benefits for Non-annuitants

Did you know that divorce can affect your WRS retirement benefits? Learn how a domestic relations order can divide your WRS account between you and your ex-spouse. See how this may affect your other WRS benefits and what responsibilities you have to receive and maintain your benefits.

3 minutes
Box submission picture.

Submitting a Form to ETF

An instructional video that shows you how to download and fill out a form and submit it through our website.

13 minutes
Coins, a picture, a clock, and a plant growing out of a jar of coins

Understanding Your Annual WRS Statement of Benefits

Your annual statement of benefits shows you the current state of your WRS account. Not sure about something on your statement? Watch this video with your statement in hand. We’ll walk you through each section.

15 minutes
Magnifying glass over reports

Variable Fund

Does putting money in the Variable Fund make sense for you? Learn what the Variable Fund is and how it is different from the Core Fund, and how it affects your retirement benefit. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

11 minutes
Retired couple biking.

WRS Annuity Options

Not sure which WRS annuity option to choose? Make an informed decision by learning about all of the WRS annuity options along with the difference between a beneficiary and named survivor. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.

17 minutes
Wisconsin Retirement System topic pic.

WRS Benefits for New and Mid-Career Employees

Are you a new employee or someone who still has at least 5 years to go before you can retire? It's never too early to start planning for a secure retirement. Learn how to maximize your WRS benefits. Watch this video about the topic on demand 24/7.